Anhang 8

Political Resolution of the Congress of Europe (10. Mai 1948)

“If heads of states fail to seize the opportunity of our entry into the third millennium to provide for a better government of planet Earth, history will not forgive them — if there is a history.“ (Robert Muller)1

Am Ende des Haager Europa-Kongresses, der vom 7. bis zum 10. Mai 1948 in den Haag stattfand, wird von den Delegierten eine politische Erklärung verabschiedet, die zum einen weiter an der Schaffung einer Weltunion festhält und zum anderen bestätigt, dass die politische und wirtschaftliche Einigung Europas zwingend notwendig ist, um die Sicherheit und den sozialen Fortschritt der europäischen Länder einschließlich Deutschlands (‚the German problem‘) zu gewährleisten.

Ob die Einigung Europas dabei in Form eines Bundesstaates oder eines Staatenbundes erfolgen soll, wird bewusst offen gelassen. Damit macht sich der Europakongress die grundsätzliche Forderung der Europäischen Föderalisten nach einem europäischen Bundesstaat nicht zu eigen, schafft es aber damit die Hauptströmungen für eine europäische Einigung an einem gemeinsamen Tisch zu halten und in Folge davon, mit dem Europarat und der europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention einen Minimalkonsens zu erreichen. Sie finden diese politische Erklärung des 1. Haager Kongresses auf Deutsch bei Julius G. Boetticher (1950: 23-26) oder Karlheinz Koppe (1967: 189f).

Political Resolution

The ravages wrought by six years of war and by the occupation, the diminution of world food production, the destruction of industrial capacity, the creation of huge debts, the maintenance of military expenditure out of all proportion to the resources of the people, the shifting of economic power, the rancors left by war, the progressive evils of nationalism and the absence, despite the work of U.N.O., of an international authority sufficiently strong to provide law and order, constitute an unprecedented menace to the well-being and the security of the peoples of Europe and threaten them with ruin.

In accordance with the principles and objectives set out in the Political Report submitted by the International Committee of the Movements for European Unity:


(1) RECOGNIZES that it is the urgent duty of the nations of Europe to create an economic and political union in order to assure security and social progress.

(2) NOTES with approval the recent steps which have been taken by some European Governments in the direction of economic and political cooperation, but believes that in the present emergency the organizations created are by themselves insufficient to provide any lasting remedy.

Sovereign Rights

(3) DECLARES that the time has come when the European nations must transfer and merge some portion of their sovereign rights so as to secure common political and economic action for the integration and proper development of their common resources.

(4) CONSIDERS that any Union or Federation of Europe should be designed to protect the security of its constituent peoples, should be free from outside control, and should not be directed against any other nation.

(5) ASSIGNS to a United Europe the immediate task of establishing progressively a democratic social system, the aim of which shall be to free men from all types of slavery and economic insecurity, just as political democracy aims at protecting them against the exercise of arbitrary power.

(6) AFFIRMS that the integration of Germany in a United or Federated Europe alone provides a solution to both the economic and political aspects of the German problem.

(7) DECLARES that the Union or Federation must assist in assuring the economic, political and cultural advancement of the populations of the overseas territories associated with it, without prejudice to the special ties which now link these territories to European countries.

European Assembly

(8) DEMANDS the convening, as a matter of real urgency, of a European Assembly chosen by the Parliaments of the participating nations, from among their members or others, designed

(a) to stimulate and give expression to European public opinion;

(b) to advise upon immediate practical measures designed progressively to bring about the necessary economic and political union of Europe;

(c) to examine the juridical and constitutional implications arising out of the creation of such a Union or Federation and their economic and social consequences;

(d) to prepare the necessary plans for the above purposes.

Charter of Human Rights

(9) CONSIDERS that the resultant Union or Federation should be open to all European nations democratically governed and which undertake to respect a Charter of Human Rights.

(10) RESOLVES that a Commission should be set up to undertake immediately the double task of drafting such a Charter and of laying down standards to which a State must conform if it is to deserve the name of a democracy.

(11) DECLARES that in no circumstances shall a State be entitled to be called a democracy unless it does, in fact as well as in law, guarantee to its citizens liberty of thought, assembly and expression, as well as the right to form a political opposition.

(12) REQUESTS that this Commission should report within three months on its labors.

Supreme Court

(13) IS CONVINCED that in the interests of human values and human liberty, the Assembly should make proposals for the establishment of a Court of Justice with adequate sanctions for the implementation of this Charter, and to this end any citizen of the associated countries shall have redress before the court, at any time and with the least possible delay, of any violation of his rights as formulated in the Charter.

World Unity

(14) DECLARES that the creation of a United Europe is an essential element in the creation of a united world.

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  1. Robert Muller. The Absolute, Urgent Need For Proper Earth Government, Seite 7. Aufgerufen unter Internet-Hyperlink: Letztmalig aufgerufen am 17.10.2018 ↩︎